2023 |
Chen, Hsiao-Lan Sharon (2023). Toward Justice-Sensitive Education for “Facing the Past—Transforming the Future” in Taiwan: Exploration of Challenges and Possibilities Paper presented at Georg Arnhold International Summer Conference (GAISC): Educational justice and sustainable peace. June 26-29, 2023, Braunschweig, Germany. |
2023 |
Chen, Hsiao-Lan Sharon & Lin, Shi-ping (2023). Constructing teacher performance indicators for 21st-century teaching: Implication from and for IB education. Paper presented at the IB Global Conference, Adelaide 2023: Education for an Inclusive Future. March 18-21, 2023, Adelaide, Australia. |
2022 |
Chen, Hsiao-Lan Sharon (2022). The Development of Teacher Performance Indicators for 21st Century Teaching and Learning: Implications from International Baccalaureate Philosophy and Practice. Paper presented at the 14th Asian Conference on Education (ACE2022), November 28-December 2, 2022, Tokyo, Japan. |
2021 |
校本學科課程行事曆發展要領與應用策略。主題演講於108新課綱普通型高級中等學校「學科課程行事曆發展與應用」成果發表會。教育部國教署普通型高級中等學校課程推動工作圈。 |
2020 |
批判反思全球素養教育的挑戰與契機。專題演講於「未來公民培育:有力學習與創新教育」國際學術研討會。2020年11月14日,臺北:國立臺灣師範大學。 |
2020 |
研究的深耕與學術地圖的開展—探詢教育研究的新境界。專題演講於「2020科技部教育學門專題研究計畫成果發表會」。2020年10月 24日,臺北:國立臺灣師範大學。 |
2020 |
課程改革回顧與教師專業主體性的省思。專題演講於「迎向課程教學革新之教師專業培力與實踐:學科中心15週年回顧與前瞻」。2020年10月 23日,臺北:劍潭青年活動中心。 |
2019 |
Chen, Hsiao-Lan Sharon (2019). Educating for 21st century competencies: Implications for curriculum policies and pedagogical practices. Invited keynote speech at 2019 Southeast-Asia Education and Humanity Deans’ Forum, March 18-19, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan. |
甄曉蘭(2010,10月)。師資培育研究與政策發展 —— 失落了什麼?論文發於中正大學教育學院舉辦之九十九年度「國科會教育學門教育行政與政策、師資培育領域專題計畫成果發表會」,嘉義縣 |
Chen, Hsiao-Lan (2010, September). The battleground of high school history reform in Taiwan: The on-going struggles. Paper presented at the International Colloquium of Textbook Research, Braunschweig, Germany |
Chen, Hsiao-Lan (2010 , September). What to look for and how to analyze: Methodological issues in comparative studies on teaching. Paper presented at the 2010 International Symposium on The development of scientific reasoning in primary school children: an international discourse, Berlin, Germany |
Lin, Chun-Wen,& Chen, Hsiao-Lan (2010, August). The society isn't fair: How and how much do teenagers know about social injustice in education. Paper presented at The European Conference on Educational Research preconference, Helsinki, Finland |
Lin, Chun-Wen,& Chen, Hsiao-Lan (2010, June). How has it come all the way here and where is it going: Reforms of upper secondary education in Taiwan. Paper presented at the WCCES XIV World Congress, Istanbul, Turkey |
Chen, Hsiao-Lan (2010, April). Who cares and what matters in national curriculum reform: An exploration of high school history curriculum reform in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 2010 AERA Annual Meeting, Denver, USA |
Chen, Hsiao-Lan (2009, September). Impact evaluation of curriculum reform policy: Lessons learned from an exploratory study in Taiwan. Paper presented at The European Conference on Education Research, Vienna, Austria |
Chen, Hsiao-Lan, Wu, Chao-Jung & Leung, Shuk-kwan S.(2009, June), Problems reconsidered and strategies reconstructed for the enhancement of mathematics learning at rural schools. Paper presented at the 4th International Symposium on Quality Education, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei |
Chen, Hsiao-Lan (2008, September). Changing Teachers’ Conceptions of Teaching and Learning through Cooperative Action Inquiry Group Process. Paper presented at The European Conference on Education Research, University of Gothenburg, Sweden |
甄曉蘭、卯靜儒、林永豐(2008,4月)。高中課程政策之檢討與展望。載於國立臺灣師範大學教育評鑑與發展研究中心舉辦之「臺灣高中教育政策之檢討與展望」專題研討會論文集(頁105-129),臺北市 |
李涵鈺、甄曉蘭(2008,4月)。臺灣中小學課程學習科目的變革脈絡之探討。論文發表於華東師範大學主辦之「第二屆兩岸四地教育史研究論壇」,上海市 |
王麗雲、甄曉蘭(2007,11月)。社會學取向的教科書政策分析。論文發表於國立編譯館舉辦之「2007教科書研究方法工作坊 —— 批判論述分析與社會學取向政策分析」國際研討會,臺北市 |
甄曉蘭、卯靜儒、林永豐(2007,11月)。高中95暫綱課程政策之問題診斷與策略評估。論文發表於國立臺灣師範大學教育系舉辦之「公義社會與教育行政革新」國際學術研討會,臺北市 |
卯靜儒、甄曉蘭、林永豐(2007,11月)。升學考試的緊箍咒:臺灣高中課程改革的困境。載於北京師範大學教育學院舉辦之「首屆教育社會學論壇」論文集(頁381-390),北京市 |
Chen, Hsiao-Lan (2007, November). Teachers’ reactions to the reform of high school history curriculum in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Quality Education, University of Macao, Macao |
Chen, Hsiao-Lan (2007, September). Reexamination of contextual and structural inequality in access to quality education: A study of educational opportunity at rural schools in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 16th Annual conference of the Commission for Teaching and Research into Primary Education at Freie Universit at Berlin. Berlin, Germany |
甄曉蘭(2007,5月)。促進學習的課堂評量 —— 概念分析與策略分享。論文發表於香港中文大學香港教育研究所舉辦之「優化課堂教學:教師發展、夥伴協作與專業學習社群」兩岸四地教學理論研討會,香港 |
Chen, Hsiao-Lan (2007, April). School ecology and educational opportunity in rural areas: Reflection on contextual and structural barriers to access and quality education. Paper presented at the 2007 AERA Annual Meeting in Chicago. Chicago, USA |
甄曉蘭(2006,5月)。偏遠國中教育問題與相關政策檢討 —— 從教育機會均等觀點分析之。論文發表於國立臺灣師範大學實習輔導處舉辦之「偏遠國中教育問題與相關政策檢討研討會」論文集(頁1-26),臺北市 |
甄曉蘭(2006,6月)。夥伴協作與學校課程改進 —— 方法與策略的省思。論文發表於香港中文大學香港教育研究所舉辦之「學校改進與夥伴關係兩岸三地」研討會,香港 |
Chen, Hsiao-Lan (2006, April). Raising curricular consciousness and enhancing pedagogical practice through cooperative action inquiry. Paper presented at the 2006 AERA Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA, USA |
Chen, Sharon Hsiao-Lan (2011, April). Teacher education reform: For the better or for the worse. Chairing the Invited Symposium Session of Division K: “Appraising teacher education reform: Through the eyes of teacher education database” Paper presented at the 2011 Annual Meeting of AERA, New Orleans, LA, USA |
Chen, Sharon Hsiao-Lan (2011, June). Enhancing teachers’ pedagogical awareness in science classrooms: A research-based professional development approach. Paper presented at the 42nd Annual ASERA Conference, Adelaide, South Australia |
Alex, Baron & Chen, Sharon Hsiao-Lan (2011, June). Looking in science classrooms: Exploring cultural differences in science teaching and learning through a reflective approach. Paper presented at the 42nd Annual ASERA Conference, Adelaide, South Australia |
Lin, Chun-Wen & Chen, Hsiao-Lan (2011, May). What is it that really concerns upper secondary school Chinese teachers? The Taiwan case. Paper presented at the 2011 Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference. National Institute of Education, Singapore |
甄曉蘭、吳明錡(2011,11月):以學生能力發展為取向的大學課程改革—政大書院實驗經驗的反省。論文發表於「第八屆兩岸高等教育學術研討會:高教教師專發展與高等質量提升」。2011年11月10-13日,上海:華東師範大學。(論文集,頁259-277) |
Chen, Sharon Hsiao-Lan (2012, January). Education Reforms in Taiwan: Trends and Agendas. Invited seminar at National Institute of Education, Singapore. January 6, 2012, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore |
Chen, Sharon Hsiao-Lan (2012, January). Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Remedial Program for Low Achievers in Taiwan. Invited seminar at National Institute of Education, Singapore. January 12, 2012, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore |
Hsiung, Chao-Ti & Chen, Sharon Hsiao-Lan (2012, April). Student-Teacher Interactions Supporting Reasoning in Taiwanese Astronomy Classrooms. Paper presented at the 2012 AERA Annual Meeting, April 13- 17, 2012. Vancouver, Canada |
Hou, ChiuLing, Tsai, HsiaoFeng & Chen, HsiaoLan (2013, Nov.). Changing teachers' perceptions of teaching and learning social studies through Implementing" Multi-text Reading Instruction Model. Paper presented at the International Symposium, Learning to be a teacher in a changing world, Nov. 21-22, 2013. Barcelona, Spanish |
Chen, Sharon Hsiao-Lan & Wang, Li-Hsin (2013). Whose Curriculum?——Looking into the Historical Development of Primary and Secondary Textbooks in the ROC (Taiwan), 1897-2012. Paper will be presented at the 2013 AERA Annual Meeting in San Francisco, April 27-May 1, 2013, California, USA. |
甄曉蘭、蔡曉楓(2013)。學校課程與教學領導革新—建置學習支援系統帶好每個學生。論文發表於「從內變革:開創教與學的主體行動」。2013年11月8-9日,臺北:國立臺灣師範大學 |
Chen, Hsiao-Lan & Huang, Hsuan-Yi (2016). The development of 21st Century Competencies in Taiwan. Paper presented in the International Symposium on Advancement of 21st Century Competencies in East Asian Education Systems, April 26, 2016. National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan |
Chen, Hsiao-Lan (2016). An alternative interactive systemic approach toward remedial education for social justice. Paper presented at the 2016 AERA Annual Meeting in Washington DC, April 8-12, 2016.Washington DC, USA |
Chen, Hsiao-Lan (2015). Developing international cross-cultural research projects on science education: Methodological challenges for cross-cultural classroom research. Paper presented at the pre-conference research committee workshop of 2015 NARST Annual International Conference in Chicago, April 10, 2015. Chicago, USA |
Hsiung, Chao-Ti & Chen, Hsiao-Lan (2015). Recapturing pedagogical practice in science classroom from a cross-cultural comparative perspective. Paper presented at the 2015 NARST Annual International Conference in Chicago, April 11-14, 2015. Chicago, USA |
Chen, Hsiao-Lan & Li, Han-Yu (2014). Looking into the cross-national joint construction of history teaching materials from Taiwanese perspectives: “A History to Open the Future” between China, Japan and Korea. Paper presented at the 2014 BERA Annual Conference at the IOE, Sept. 23-25, 2014. London, UK |
Tsai, HsiaoFeng, Hou, ChiuLing & Chen, HsiaoLan (2014). Towards a quality improvement of teaching and learning in social studies: A cooperative action research in Taiwan Junior high schools. Paper presented at the 2014 BERA Annual Conference at the IOE, Sept. 23-25, 2014. London, UK |
Chen, Sharon Hsiao-Lan (2014). Enhancing teachers’ pedagogical awareness in science classrooms: A Participatory research-based professional development approach. Invited speech at the CREFI and STEME seminar, Deakin University, Australia |
Hackling, M. & Chen, S. Hsiao-Lan (2014). Reflections on methodological issues concerning cross-cultural comparisons. Paper presented in the International Conference on Quality Primary Science Education, March 3-7, 2014, Taipei, Taiwan |
Chen, S. Hsiao-Lan (2014). Cultural and social contexts of primary science education in Taiwan. Paper presented in the International Conference on Quality Primary Science Education, March 3-7, 2014, Taipei, Taiwan |
Chen, S. Hsiao-Lan & Ku, Hsiao-Yuh (2014). Science teachers’ beliefs of teaching and learning scientific reasoning in Taiwan: Teachers’ exercise of agency and cultural divergence. Paper presented in the International Conference on Quality Primary Science Education, March 3-7, 2014, Taipei, Taiwan |
Chen, S., Hsiung, C.T., Chen, W.P. &Wu, C. L. (2013). Student-teacher interactions supporting reasoning in Taiwanese science classroom – Looking into cultural attributes in pedagogical practices. Paper presented in the 15th Biennial EARLI Conference on Responsible Teaching and Sustainable Learning, August 26-31, 2013, Munich, Germany |
Chen, S., Tytler, R., Ramseger, J., Hackling, M., & Hsiung, C.T. (2012, December). Study classrooms across cultures: Methodological considerations. Paper presented in 2012 AARE-APERA Conference, December 2-6, 2012, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia |
Hsiung, C. T., Chen, S. & Tytler, R. (2012, December). Student-teacher interactions supporting scientific reasoning in Taiwanese astronomy classrooms—Reexamination of teachers’ talk. Paper presented in 2012 AARE-APERA Conference, December 2-6, 2012, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia |
Chen, Sharon Hsiao-Lan (2012, September). Constructing learning support for the disadvantaged students: A collaborative enterprise for the pedagogy of hope. Paper presented at the 2012 8th Biannual International Meeting of the Paulo Freire Forum, Sept. 12-22, 2012. University of California, Los Angeles, California, USA |
Hsiung, C. T., Tytler, R., Ramseger, J. & Chen, S. (2012, June). Reasoning through representation: Contrasting cases of learning sequences in Taiwan and Germany. Paper presented in 2012 ASERA Conference, June 27-30, 2012, Sunshine Coast, Australia |
Chen, Hsiao-Lan Sharon (2005, Septembe).The school ecology and the opportunity to quality education in rural areas: Reflections on a survey study of rural junior high schools in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 8th Oxford International Conference on Education and Development, The University of Oxford Examination School, Oxford |
Chen, Hsiao-Lan Sharon (2003, September). A critical reflection on the implementation of school-based curriculum development: for the better or the worse? Paper presented at the 7th Oxford International Conference on Education and Development, The University of Oxford Examination School, Oxford |
Chen, Hsiao-Lan Sharon (2001, September). Into knowledge conceptions and curriculum development: Examining the epistemological assumptions behind the curriculum reform in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 6th Oxford International Conference on Education and Development, The University of Oxford Examination School, Oxford |
Chen, Hsiao-Lan Sharon (2001, April). An exploratory study of the enactment of constructivist-oriented curriculum: Perspectives from the disciplines. Paper presented at the 2001 AERA Meeting in Seattle, Seattle, USA |
Chen, Hsiao-Lan Sharon (2001, January). Challenges behind change: A critical reflection on the contextual forces for curriculum reform. Paper presented at 14th International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement, Toronto, Canada |
Chen, Hsiao-Lan Sharon & Chung, Jing (2000, January). The implementation of school-based curriculum development: Problems and possibilities. Paper presented at the 13th annual Conference of the International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement, Hong Kong |
Chen, Hsiao-Lan Sharon (1999, September). The battleground of language learning: A critical reflection on language provision in elementary schools in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 5th Oxford International Conference on Education and Development, The University of Oxford Examination School, Oxford, UK |
Chen, Hsiao-Lan Sharon & Chou, Li-Hsiun (1999). Changing teacher’s conceptions of mathematics teaching and learning through cooperative action inquiry group process. Paper presented at the 1999 International Conference on Mathematics Teacher Education (pp.288-299). National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei |
Chen, Hsiao-Lan Sharon (1999, February). On the implementation of a constructive approach to professional development courses for teacher education: Promises and problems. Paper presented at the 1999 International Conference on Teacher Education. The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong |
Chen, Sharon (1993). Rethinking studio pedagogy from a social constructivist perspective. Paper presented at the ‘93 Symposium of the Department of Landscape Architecture, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio |
Chen, Sharon (1993, May). Analyzing qualitative data: Emerging themes and writing data stories. Paper presented at the spring ’93 Research Conference, College of Education, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio |
Chen, Hsiao-Lan Sharon (1992). Vision passion, and action: Curriculum change in a transforming Society—— Taiwan. Paper presented at the First Annual Meeting of the Dr. Sun’ s Philosophy Club, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio |
甄曉蘭(2014,10月)。課程與教學革新—創造學生的學習機會。邀請演講於實踐大學103學年度教師專業發展研討會,2014年10月24日。臺北:實踐大學 |
甄曉蘭(2012,11月):弱勢學生教育機會與品質提升計畫—補救教學方案之研發與推廣。論文發表於「2020教育願景國際學術研討會:傳承過去、接軌現代、著眼未來」。2012年11月9-10日,臺北:國立臺灣師範大學 |
甄曉蘭(2005,12月)。課程研究方法論。論文發表於國立臺南大學舉辦之「94學年度教育學門課程與教學領域專題研究計畫成果研討會」,臺南市 |
甄曉蘭(2005,10月)。課程研究趨勢。論文發表於國科會主辦之「教育學門北區新進學者」教育研討會,臺北市 |
甄曉蘭(2005,3月)。戲劇創作在作文教學的應用。論文發表於國立臺灣師範大學實習輔導處、國立臺灣師範大學國文系舉辦之「中小學國文作文教學理論與實務」研討會,臺北市 |
甄曉蘭(2004,10月)。質性資料的處理與分析。論文發表於國立政治大學教育學系舉辦之「國科會教育學門北區新進學者教育研究方法論」研討會,臺北市 |
甄曉蘭(2004,8月)。臺灣課程研究本土化的省思與期許。論文發表於內蒙古師範大學、國立臺灣師範大學、淡江大學教育學院聯合舉辦之「海峽兩岸教育理論與實踐學術研討會」論文集(頁143-146),呼和浩特 |
甄曉蘭(2004,2月)。提升教師課程意識與教學實踐知能的途徑 —— 應用合作行動研究方法的反思。論文發表於國立臺灣師範大學舉辦之「課程與教學行動研究」研討會論文集(頁11-22),臺北市 |
甄曉蘭(2003,11月)。中小學教師專業成長。論文發表於國立臺灣師範大學舉辦之「教育人員專業發展」學術研討會,臺北市 |
甄曉蘭(2002,12月)。從學科觀點探究建構教學理念於國小各科教學之應用 —— 研究經驗分享與省思。論文發表於國立臺灣師範大學教育研究中心主辦之「教育改革的未來 —— 國科會人文及社會科學發展處教育學門成果」發表會,臺北市 |
甄曉蘭、簡良平(2001,10月)。學校本位課程發展之社會學批判。論文發表於中華民國課程與教學學會舉辦之第四屆課程與教學論壇,嘉義市 |
甄曉蘭(2001,5月)。行動研究成果的評估與呈現。論文發表於中華民國課程與教學學會舉辦之第三屆課程與教學論壇「課程改革的反省與前瞻」研討會,臺北市 |
甄曉蘭(2000,11月)。批判俗民誌及其在教育研究上的應用。論文發表於國立中正大學教育研究所舉辦之教育學門研究生「質的研究方法」研討會,嘉義縣 |
甄曉蘭(1999,6月)。從知識論的辯證談課程發展的問題——以臺灣課程改革為例。論文發表於國立臺灣師範大學教育學系、教育部國家講座舉辦之「教育科學:國際化或本土化?」國際學術研討會論文集(頁381-401),臺北市 |
甄曉蘭(1998,10月)。知識論的辯證對課程發展的影響——以臺灣國小課程改革為例。載於於上海市教育科學研究院舉辦之「一九九八海峽兩岸小學教育」學術研討會論文集(頁218-228),上海 |
甄曉蘭(1998,6月)。未預期的驚訝:談質化研究惱人處的魅力。論文發表於國立屏東師範學院舉辦之「國立屏東師學院教育基金會教育論壇『眾聲喧嘩』 —— 一起來說故事:質化研究經驗的省思與對話」研討會論文集(頁45-68),屏東市 |
甄曉蘭(1997,11月)。應用建構教學理念於教育專業發展課程之初探。論文發表國立花蓮師範學院主辦之「教育部八十六學年度教育學術論文」發表會,花蓮市 |
甄曉蘭(1997,9月)。變遷社會中課程改革的迷思。論文發表於國立嘉義師範學院初等教育系舉辦之「一九九七海峽兩岸小學教育」學術研討會論文集(頁165-180),嘉義縣 |
甄曉蘭(1996)。培養國小數學新課程師資之省思。論文發表於國立嘉義師範學院舉辦之「教育部八十四學年度數學教育」研討會論文暨會議實錄彙編(頁278-281),嘉義縣 |
李富言、黃國彥、王保進、李新鄉、甄曉蘭(1995,11月)。大學校院設立國民小學教育學程之研究。論文發表於國立屏東師範學院舉辦之「教育部八十四學年度師範校院教育學術論文」發表會論文集(頁405-439),屏東市 |
甄曉蘭(1995,11月)。From deconstructing to reconstructing: Curriculum change for a transforming Society.(從解構到重新建構:變遷社會中的課程改革)。論文發表於國立屏東師範學院舉辦之「教育部八十四學年度師範校院教育」學術論文發表會,屏東市 |
甄曉蘭(1994)。實踐新數學課程的必要性、妥適性與可行性。論文發表於國立嘉義師範學院舉辦之「教育部八十二學年度數學教育」研討會,嘉義縣 |
甄曉蘭(1994,5月)。Toward a pedagogical transformation of curriculum.(課程的教學轉化探析)。論文發表於國立臺南師範學院舉辦之「教育部八十二學年度師範院校教育」學術論文發表會,臺南市 |
Huang, Hsuan-Yi & Chen, Hsiao-Lan & Wang li-hsin &Chen Yun-shiuan (2016). History Textbooks as Instruments of Remembrance policy: Tracing the Changes of Knowledge Construction Over Time. Paper presented at the 2016 BERA Annual Conference in Leeds, September 13-15, 2016.Leeds,British |
甄曉蘭、鍾靜(2002,12月)。學校革新中課程發展相關問題及其相應措施之研究。論文發表於國立臺灣師範大學教育學系舉辦之「學校革新」研討會,臺北市 |
甄曉蘭(2012,11月):中小學補救教學教師增能與支援模式初探。論文發表於「教育部2012提升補救教學成效之理論與實務研討論壇之邀請」。2012年11月2日,臺南:國立臺南大學。 |
甄曉蘭(2012,8月):12年國民基本教育學習資源系統建置與教師教學增能。論文發表於「教育部101年度全國教育局(處)補救教學業務承辦人員研討暨工作說明會主題演講者」。2012年8月23日,臺南:國立臺南大學。 |
Chen, Hsiao-Lan Sharon(2016).Recapturing Pedagogical Practice in Science classroom from a Cross-Cultural Comparative Perspectives. Invited Frown Speech at the APERA-TERA 2016 Conference, November 10,2016, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. |
Chen, Hsiao-Lan Sharon (2016).Developing Cross-disciplinary Collaborative Research Locally and Internationally: Challenges and Opportunities. Invited Keynote Speech at the 2016 International conference for the 5th East Asian Alliance of Sport Pedagogy, December 3,2016, Taipei, Taiwan. |
Huang, Hsuan-Yi & Chen, Hsiao-Lan (2016). Tracing the Discursive Constructions of Chinese National Subjects in History Textbooks, 1903-1945. Paper presented at the 2016 BERA Annual Conference in Leeds, September 13-15, 2016.Leeds,British. |
Chen, Hsiao-Lan (2017).Changing construction of national identity in history textbooks: Tracing the cultural politics of curriculum. Paper presented at 39th ISCHE in Buenos Aires, September 18-21, 2017.Buenos Aires, Argentina. |
Huang, Hsuan-Yi & Chen, Hsiao-Lan (2017).Constructing Collective Memory for (De)Colonization: Chinese and Taiwanese Images in History Textbooks in Taiwan, 1950-1987. Paper presented at 39 ISCHE in Buenos Aires, September 18-21, 2017.Buenos Aires, Argentina. |
Russell, Tytler, Chen, Hsiao-Lan Sharon & Freitag-Amtmann, Ines (2017).Inquiry Teaching and Learning Within and Across Cultures. Paper presented at ESERA 2017 Conference(12th) in Duplin, Augest 21-25, 2017.Duplin, Ireland. |
Wu, Po-Ling & Chen, Hsiao-Lan Sharon (2017).Exploring Elementary Science Teachers’ Expansive Learing In Mentoring Students Becoming Science Makers. Paper presented at WERA Focal Meeting& HKERA International Conference in Hong Kong, November 30- December 2, 2017.Hong Kong. |
Chen, Hsiao-Lan Sharon, Wang, Li-Tien & Moddle, Luke (2018). Examining Teacher Professional Standards and Performance Indicators in Taiwan—From the Needs of Preparing Competent IB Teachers. Paper presented at the Global Pre-Conference: Innovative Approaches to Teacher Preparation and Assessment in the 21st Century, October 18, 2018, Stanford Graduate School, CA, USA |
Chen, Hsiao-Lan Sharon, Wang, Li-Tien & Moddle, Luke (2018). What Contributes to Quality Teaching in IB Programs? Examining the Performance Indicators of Inquiry-Based Pedagogical Practices. Paper presented at 2018 Teacher Performance Assessment Conference: 11th Annual National Implementation Conference, October 19-20, 2018, San Jose, CA, USA |
Wang, Li-Tien, Chen, Hsiao-Lan Sharon, Wittaker, Andrea K. & Moddle, Luke (2018). The Image of an IB Teacher. Paper presented at the IB Global Conference Singapore 2018, March 25-27, Singapore |
Chen, Hsiao-Lan Sharon (2018). Inquiry-based Teaching and Learning: Exploration of the Cultural Attributes in the Forms and Approaches Applied in a Taiwan IB School. Paper presented at the IB Global Conference Singapore 2018, March 25-27, Singapore. |
甄曉蘭(2017, 10月)。弱勢者教育研究與政策及實務的連結。邀請專題演講於「強化教育研究與政策暨實務連結國際學術研討會」,2017年10月13-14日,臺北:國立台灣師範大學 |
甄曉蘭(2000,4月)。課程改革與師資培育。論文發表於華中師範大學教育科學學院舉辦之「兩岸師範教育」學術研討會,湖北 |
Chen, Hsiao-Lan Sharon (2019). Exploring Indicators of Quality Teaching for 21st Century Skills with International Baccalaureate School Teachers: Implications for Teacher Education. Paper presented at the 2019 ECER Annual Conference in Hamburg University, September 3-6, 2019, Hamburg, Germany. |
Yeh, Chen-Lin & Chen, Hsiao-Lan Sharon (2019). K-12 Curriculum Implications from Teaching for 21st Century Competences: Asian Perspectives. Paper presented at the 2019 ECER Annual Conference in Hamburg University, September 3-6, 2019, Hamburg, Germany. |
甄曉蘭(2019, 8月)。學科課程地圖的發展與應用。教育部國教署普通型高級中等學校課程推動工作圈課程地圖發展成果發表會,2019年6月14日,臺北:台大醫學院國際會議中心。 |