2019 |
領域中的專題探究_以花蓮女中為例, 12年國教課程綱要實施_學術研討會, 國家教育研究院 三峽院區, , 2019-11-22-2019-11-23 |
2019 |
Promoting Bilingual Education in Schools: Implications from the Journey of Singapore and Hong Kong, 人才培育與永續發展國際學術研討會, 台北市, , 2019-11-08-2019-11-09 |
2016 |
Exploring 21st Century Competence and Teacher Education in Taiwan:A Case of Media Literacy, 第十一屆東亞教師教育國際研討會, 中國武漢, , 2016-10-16-2016-10-18 |
2018 |
十二年國教普通高中課綱的轉化與實踐-八所學校的案例分析, 21世紀人才培育教育系統之自主跨域創新, 新北市, , 2018-11-30-2018-12-01 |
2016 |
「再現」媒體素養:探討台灣大學聯盟學生對媒體素養之理解, TAECT2016台灣教育傳播暨科技學會2016年國際研討會, 臺北, , 2016-12-16-2016-12-17 |
2016 |
Improving School Performance Through Leadership Empowerment: A Case Study of National Leader of Education., The 8th Asian Conference on Education, Kobe, Japan, , 2016-10-20-2016-10-23 |
2016 |
Exploring 21st Century Competence and Teacher Education in Taiwan: A Case of Media Literacy., The 11th International Symposium on Teacher Education in East Asia, 中國, , 2016-09-17-2016-09-18 |
2016 |
提升教檢通過率之統整學習計畫, U-F/G/S-S夥伴協作學教有成:精進師資素質計畫X成果發表會, 臺北, , 2016-06-17-1970-01-01 |
2016 |
Believe It or Not? Embedded Health Literacy in Media Literacy Education: A Study of Taiwanese Undergraduate Students., The 7th Asian Conference on Social Science(ACSS), Kobe, Japan, , 2016-06-09-2016-06-12 |
2015 |
滾動修正、社群支持與回流持續的專業發展模式:以「學校課程領導人培育」方案為例, 教育的想像-演化與創新國際學術研討會, 臺北, , 2015-11-20-2015-11-21 |
2015 |
學校轉變的起點-一所國中教師專業學習社群的歷程與影響, 教育的想像-演化與創新國際學術研討論會, 臺北, , 2015-11-20-2015-11-21 |
2015 |
The Encounter Curriculum Development in National Triangle, The 4th International Conference on Media Literacy, Hong Kong, , 2015-11-05-2015-11-06 |
2015 |
The Quality Assurance for Student ㄐPㄏㄩㄡ, The 10th East Asia International Symposium on Teacher Education, Nagoya, Japan, , 2015-10-31-2015-11-01 |
2011 |
Professional Development Programme in Higher Education:A Case Study in England, Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference, Singapore, , 2011-05-30-2011-06-01 |
2011 |
Teacher's quality in the 21st century: a case study of Singapore, the international conference on the change of society and the role of teachers,, Taitung, Taiwan., , 2011-05-01-2011-05-03 |
2010 |
Taiwanese Junior High School Teachers' Perceptions of TBLT, the Asian Conference on Education 2010, Osaka.Japan |
2010 |
Media culture,education and social equality:a preliminary study of media education in Three Chinese-speaking regions, 兩岸教育高階論壇:教育功能與均等的省思, 台南市, , 2010-05-13-2010-05-14 |
2009 |
the Asian Conference on Education 2009, Osaka,Japan, , 2009-10-24-2009-10-25 |
Lin, T.-B., & Deng, F. (2012). The construction of media literacy in education reform policies: a comparative study of policy discourses in Singapore and Taiwan. In (Ed.) The 13th International Conference on Education Research. Seoul, Korea: Seoul National University. |
Lin, T.-B. (2010a). Localization of western discourse in Asian context: a case study of media literacy education. In Haldane, J. (Ed.) The Asian Conference on the Social Sciences (pp. 747-756). Osaka, Japan: The International Academic Forum, Japan. |
Lin, T.-B. (2010b). Media culture, education and social equality: a preliminary study of media education in Three Chinese-speaking regions. In Chiang, T.-H. (Ed.) The 2010 Forum on Education Functions and Equity in Mainland China and Taiwan (pp. 182-195). Tainan, Taiwan: National University of Tainan. |
Lin, T.-B., Wu, C. (2010). Taiwanese Junior High School Teachers' Perceptions of TBLT. In Haldane, J. (Ed.) The Asian Conference on the Social Sciences (pp. 1688-1699). Osaka, Japan: The International Academic Forum. |
Lin, T.-B., Wu, C. (2009). Junior high school teachers' understanding of TBLT in Taiwanese context. In English Teachers' Association (R.O.C.) (Ed.) Selected Papers from the Eighteenth International Symposium on English Teaching (pp. 420-430). Taipei, Taiwan: Crane Publishing Co. Ltd. & ETA-ROC. |
Lin, T.-B. (2006). Media, consumerism, children and education policy: a case study of Taiwan's media education policy. In Copenhagen Business School (Ed.) The 2nd international conference on pluridisciplinary perspectives on child and teen consumption. (pp. 157-166). Copenhagen, Denmark: Copenhagen Business School. |
Lin, T.-B. (2006). Discourse of media literacy curriculum: a comparative study of the UK, the US and Taiwan. In Taiwan Association for Curriculum and Instruction (Ed.) Selected papers from the 12th annual conference of Taiwan Association for Curriculum and Instruction (pp. 268-284). Taipei, Taiwan: Taiwan Association for Curriculum and Instruction. |
Lin, T.-B. (2006). Critical discourse analysis and the research of education policy. In Department of Education, National Kaohsiung Normal University (Ed.) Papers on Education Research and Discourse (pp. 42-69). Kaohsiung, Taiwan: Department of Education, National Kaohsiung Normal University. |
Lin, T.-B., Chuang, S. (2006). Adopting discourse analysis in education research - micro or macro?. In College of Education, Tamkang University & Taiwan Association for Sociology of Education (Eds.) Papers from the 12th annual conference of Taiwan Association for Sociology of Education (pp. 416-436). Taipei, Taiwan: College of Education, Tamkang University & Taiwan Association for Sociology of Education. |
林子斌(2005)。論述分析在教育研究上的運用 – 以Stephen Ball的教育政策分析為例。論文發表於2005年6月17-18日「教育政策科學學術研討會」。台北︰國立台灣師範大學教育研究中心。 |
林子斌(2004)。原住民教育中媒體素養議題初探。論文發表於2004年10月15、16日花蓮師範學院原住民教育中心所舉辦之「93年度原住民教育學術研討會」。花蓮:國立花蓮師範學院。 |
Hairon, S., Goh, J.W.P, & Lin, T.-B. (2012, November). The necessity for distributed leadership in PLCs: The case for Singapore. Paper presented at the International Conference on Education Vision 2020, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan. |
Chua, S. K. C., & Lin, T.-B. (2011, July). "Join us: Be a teacher": A comparison of Singapore and Taiwanese teacher recruitment advertisements. Paper presented at 12th International Pragmatics Conference, Manchester, United Kingdom. |
Lin, T.-B. (2011, May). Professional development programme in higher education: A case study in England. Paper presented at the 4th Redesigning Pedagogy: Transforming Teaching, Inspiring Learning International Conference, Singapore. |
Lin, T.-B. (2011, June). Asian perspectives of the professional doctorate in education faculty: a pilot study in Singapore and Taiwan. Paper presented at Colloquium/Seminar: Quodlibetal Questions on Education, London, United Kingdom. |
Lin, T.-B., & Chua, S. K. C. (2011, December). Are we talking about the same thing? Media literacy in education policy discourse in Taiwan and Singapore. Paper presented at 2011 TERA International Conference on Education, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. |
Lin, T.-B., & Chua, S. K. C. (2011, May). Exploring the meaning of ICT leadership and its implication to school leaders in Singapore. Paper presented at The 4th Redesigning Pedagogy: Transforming Teaching, Inspiring Learning International Conference, Singapore. |
Kim, A., & Lin, T.-B. (2010, November). The construction of new media in the discourse of media literacy: a comparative study of Korea and Taiwan. Paper presented at Media Literacy Conference, London, United Kingdom. |
Lin, T.-B. (2010, December). The Vision of Teacher Education in 21st-century Singapore: a study of ‘TE 21’. Paper presented at Asian Conference on Education 2010, Osaka, Japan. |
Lin, T.-B. (2010, November). Defining teacher competencies in the 21st century. Paper presented at The International Conference on the Key Competencies and Educational Innovation in a Global Era, Taipei, Taiwan. |
Lin, T.-B. (2010, June). A case study of Media Literacy Education. Paper presented at International Communication Association Conference: Media Literacy Education in Asia - New Development Panel, Singapore. |
Lin, T.-B. (2009, November). Teaching about media: a borrowed solution in education for worsening media environment in Taiwan. Paper presented at The Asian conference on Education: local problem, global solution, Osaka, Japan. |
Lin, T.-B., & Orsuwan, M. (2009, November). Teaching media literacy: a study of teachers' perception of media education policy in Taiwan. Paper presented at The Eras conference, Singapore. |
Lin, T.-B. (2006, September). Education policy making in Taiwan: a case study of the White Paper on Media Literacy Education. Paper presented at The BERA (British Education Research Association) Annual conference 2006, Warwick, United Kingdom. |
Lin, T.-B. (2005, September). Minority discourses as a means of resistance - a proposal for Taiwan's Indigenous education. Paper presented at The 4th Discourse, Power and Resistance conference, Plymouth, United Kingdom. |
Lin, T.-B. (2005, September). Media and racial issue: a new challenge for multicultural Taiwan. Paper presented at The 7th European Summer School conference, Crete, Greece. |
林子斌(2004)。媒體素養 – 台灣多元文化教育之新課題。論文發表於2004年10月8至10日中國傳媒大學(Communication University of China)國際傳播學系所舉辦之「中國第一屆媒體素養教育國際學術研討會」。北京:中國傳媒大學。 |
林子斌(2014a)。「新」在何处?谈「新媒介素养教育」在台湾与新加坡的发展现况。論文發表於2014年5月11、12日浙江傳媒大學所舉辦之「第五屆西湖媒介素養高峰論壇」。浙江杭州:浙江傳媒大學。 |
Lin, T.-B., & Chen, P. (2013, November). Leading to Teach: A Study of Leadership Preparation Program in Taipei. Paper presented at the International Conference on Change from within: Reinventing agency in teaching and learning, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan. |
Lin, T.-B., & Chen, P. (2014). In search of solution to improve school effectiveness: a case study of leadership preparation program in Taipei. In ICSEI 2014 (Ed.) The International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement Annual Conference 2014. Yogyakarta, Indonesia: ICSEI & Yogyakarta State University. |
陳佩英、林子斌(2013)。學校領導越界學習之專業增能行動研究。載於國立台北教育大學編「兩岸三地校長學學術研討會」手冊(頁233-252)。 |
林子斌(2014)。學教翻轉:新北市提昇學習力的作法與挑戰。載於國立台灣師範大學教育研究與評鑑中心編「縣市教育力與教育發展」手冊(頁203)。 |
Lin, T.-B. (2014, November). The Engcredible Path: exploring journey of a PLC in Taipei. Paper presented at The Asia Pacific Educational Research Association&The Hong Kong Educational Research Association International Conference 2014, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong. |
侯仲宸、林子斌(2014)。教師領導與教師專業發展之研究﹣以臺北市一個跨校專業學習社群為例。Paper presented at The Asia Pacific Educational Research Association&The Hong Kong Educational Research Association International Conference 2014, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong. |
黃彥博、林子斌(2014)。教師專業學習社群與校長領導相關研究﹣以臺北市中學為例。Paper presented at The Asia Pacific Educational Research Association&The Hong Kong Educational Research Association International Conference 2014, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong. |
Lee, L. , Li, J.-Y., Lin T.-B., & Chen, V. D.-T. (2014, October/November). Where Our Youth Are in the New Media World: Measures of New Media Literacy. Paper presented at Asian Conference on Education 2014 (pp. 185-192), Osaka, Japan. |
Lin, T.-B. (2015, March). Making School Change Happen through Servant Leadership: An Ethnographic Study of a Junior High School Principal in Taipei. Paper presented at ACE-ID 2015 Conference, Osaka, Japan. |
林子斌(2014)。縣市提升學習力的作法與挑戰:以新北市為例。載於國立台灣師範大學教育研究與評鑑中心編「縣市教育力與教育發展」手冊(頁203)。 |
Lin, T.-B. (2016, June). Recruiting Native English Speaking Teachers: a Case Study of Policy and Practices in New Taipei City. Paper presented at The 7th Asian Conference in Social Science (ACSS), Kobe, Japan. |
12. Lin, T.-B., Chen, Y.-Y., Liang, J.-C., & Tsai, C.-C. (2016). Developing on Interdisciplinary Approach to Education Research: A Case Study of Media Literacy in Higher Education. Paper presented at the 8th Asian Conference on Education (ACE), Kobe, Japan. |
林子斌、黃家凱(2017)。推廣課程領導的實踐:以學校課程領導人培育方案為例。林新發(主持人),領導模式與實踐。2017東亞地區校長學學術研討會,國立臺北教育大學。 |
林子斌(2016,6月)。豐富學生的實習經驗:以實習輔導認證教師與駐區輔導計畫為例。發表於2016年6月17日國立臺灣師範大學師資培育與就業輔導處所舉辦之「標準本位、閃耀之星:精緻師資素質計畫X成果發表會」研討會。臺北市:國立臺灣師範大學。 |
Lin, T.-B. (2018). Native English-Speaking Teachers’ Experience in Taiwan: A Multiple Case Study. The 16th Asia TEFL 2018. Macau: University of Macau. |
林子斌(2018)。雙語教育的可能實踐:從臺灣與新加坡的比較與研究發現談起。臺北市107年度雙語教育論壇〜從新加坡推動雙語教育之路看臺北的實踐與挑戰。臺北市:市立陽明高中。 |
Lin, T.-B. (2018, January). Improving School Effectiveness in a changing time: A Case Study of a Secondary School in Taipei from Systems Thinking Perspective. International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement 2018. Singapore, National Institute of Education |
林子斌(2017)。影像教育,有「影」嘸?從研究發現談起。2017臺法影像教育論壇。臺北市:北師美術館一樓 |
蘇菀陵、王慕羽、林子斌(2017)。語言混搭-外籍英語教師聘僱政策的圖像勾勒:以新北市一所高中為例。第二十六屆中華民國英語文教學國際研討會。臺北市:世新大學 |
Lin, T.-B. (2017). Continuing Professional Development for Educational Professionals in Secondary Schools: A Case Study of a Leadership Empowerment Program in Taiwan. The Asian Conference on Education (ACE), Kobe, Japan. |
Lin, T.-B. (2017). The Collaboration Between Nests in Taiwanese Contexts: A Case Study of a Junior High School. The Asian Conference on Language Learning (ACLL) Kobe, Japan |
Tzu-Bin, Lin (2018, Nov). Digital Media Culture of South Korean Youth and the Challenges of Media Education. Media Education Summit, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong. |
Tzu-Bin, Lin (2018, Nov). Media Education in Taiwan: A Reflection of Twenty-Year Practice through narrative inquiry. Media Education Summit, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong. |
Tzu-Bin, Lin (2018, Nov). Media Education Practices: A multiple cases study from UK, Greece, Korea and Taiwan. Media Education Summit, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong. |
Tzu-Bin, Lin (2018, Nov). Practicing Media Literacy Education in Taiwanese Primary and secondary classroom: A Study of "edumovie". Media Education Summit, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong. |
二十一世紀教師素質及師資培育改革措施:新加坡個案研究, 2011台灣教育社會學論壇-社會變遷與教師地位之轉變研討會 |
Navigating through the mist, Media Education in Asia |
What is media literacy, Research in Media Education |