2021 |
Lin, C.-Y., & Reigeluth, C. M. (2021). Guidance for wiki-supported collaborative learning and community building for an entire class: Enhancing learning environments during the COVID19 pandemic. Revista de Educación a Distancia (RED), 21(65), 1-33. |
2020 |
林君憶(2020)。支持教改實踐的教科書設計—以日本中學校理科教科書中生物單元之論述分析為例。教育研究集刊,66(3),37-75。 |
2020 |
卯靜儒、李姍靜、鄭淑惠、林君憶(2020)。我們需要怎樣的課程評鑑?。台灣教育雙月刊,722,47-57。 |
2020 |
Lee, D., Huh, Y., Lin, C.-Y. & Reigeluth, C. M., & Lee, E. (accepted). Differences in personalized learning practice and technology use in high- and low- performing learner-centered schools in the United States. |
2020 |
林君憶、蔡宜芳(2020)。導讀《為永續創新與教師學習的協同課程設計》與教師研發教材的啟示。教科書研究,13(3),151-161。 |
2018 |
Lin, C-Y., & Reigeluth, C. M. (2019). Scaffolding learner autonomy in a wiki-supported knowledge building community and its implications for mindset change. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(5), 2667-2684. doi: 10.1111/bjet.12713 |
2018 |
Lee, D., Huh, Y., Lin, C.-Y. & Reigeluth, C. M. (2018). Technology functions for personalized learning in learner-centered schools. Educational Technology Research and Development, 66 (5), 1269-1302. |
2018 |
林君憶、魏嘉慧 (2018)。《導讀: 驚人習慣力》。教育脈動 ,15 。 |
2017 |
林君憶(2017)。導讀《學習個人化當代教室的演化》。教科書研究,10(2),185-196。 |
2017 |
林君憶(2017)。論壇: 日本中學校自然教科書。教科書研究,10 (2),145-151。 |
2017 |
林君憶(2017)。論壇:日本中學校自然教科書。教科書研究,10(2),145-151。 |
2016 |
Lin, C-Y., & Reigeluth, C. M. (2016). Scaffolding wiki-supported collaborative learning for small-group projects and whole-class collaborative knowledge building. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 32(6), 529-547. |
2015 |
Reigeluth, C. M., Aslan, S., Chen, Z., Dutta, P., Huh, Y., Lee, D., Lin, C-Y., Lu, Y-H., Min, M., Tan, V., Watson, S.L, & Watson, W. R. (2015). Personalized integrated educational system: Technology functions for the learner-centered paradigm of education. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 53(3), 459-496. |
林君憶 (2019)。導讀《STEM教育裡的教學鷹架》。當代教育研究季刊,27(2)。DOI : 10.6151/CERQ.201906_27(2).0004 |