2025 |
Chan, S. J. & Chen, H. C. (2025, March). Comparing student engagement in higher education governance in Japan, Korea and Taiwan. Comparative and International Education Society Conference 2025. Chicago, IL, USA. |
2024 |
陳宏彰、陳佩英、陳玉娟、紀馥安(2024年,11月)。美國CASEL學區架構對臺灣地方層級社會情緒學習推動之啟示。發表於國立臺灣師範大學教育學系舉辦之「面向不確定的時代:打造教育的幸福工程」國際學術研討會,臺北市:國立臺灣師範大學教育學系。 |
2024 |
陳玉娟、陳宏彰、紀馥安(2024年,11月)。社會情緒學習系統性支持之構築與實施。發表於國立臺灣師範大學教育研究與創新研究中心舉辦之「2024教育新視界:政策、實務與研究的知識創新」國際學術論壇,臺北市:國立臺灣師範大學。 |
2024 |
Chen, H-.C. (2024, April, accepted). Driving SoTL Policies: The Collaborative Role of Policy Entrepreneurs in Taiwan. The 10th Higher Education Research Association Conference, Taipei. |
2024 |
Chen, H-.C. (2024, Feb, accepted). Decoding the “Problem” in Taiwan’s SoTL policy: A Poststructural Exploration. Critical University Studies conference, Hong Kong. |
2023 |
Chen, H-.C. (2023, November 22-23). The impact of Taiwan's national Teaching Practice Research Program on higher education academic profession. Diverse academics in the East Asian context: Their experiences and challenges. Research Institute for Higher Education, Hiroshima University, Japan. |
2023 |
陳宏彰(2023年,10月)。系統領導的本土實踐:地方教育行政機關聘任督學制度之研究。2023教育學門專題計畫執行與發表成果研討會。嘉義市:國立中正大學。 |
2023 |
陳宏彰、江翎(2023年,10月)。學前教育聘任督學的政策行動者角色與實踐-基於政策施展理論的個案研究。發表於財團法人地方教育發展學會舉辦之「學校的解構與重構國際學術研討會」,臺北市:國立臺灣師範大學。 |
2023 |
陳宏彰(2023年,7月)。優秀退休校長:系統領導人與專業資本建立者。發表於清華大學舉辦之「2023 年有意義的教與學國際學術研討會」,新竹市:國立清華大學。 |
2022 |
Chen, H.-C. (2022, September 1-10). Global-national-local dynamics in policy trajectories: a case of 'scholarship of teaching and learning' policy in Taiwanese higher education. [EERA Network: 22. Research in Higher Education]. ECER 2022–European Educational Research Association, Yerevan |
2022 |
陳宏彰(2022,11月)。2050 年台灣高等教育學術的願景:展望「教與學的學術」。發表於「創新變革與公平正義-新常態下的教育省思與行動」國際學術研討會,臺北市:國立臺灣師範大學。 |
2022 |
吳宜儒、陳宏彰(2022,9-10月)。臺北市「雙語實驗課程學校」在國小校園中的政策施展之個案研究。發表於社團法人臺灣地方教育發展學會及國立臺灣師範大學聯合舉辦之「教育變革下的府際關係與教育發展國際學術研討會」,臺北市。 |
2021 |
Chen, H.-C. (2021, November, 20). The rising tide of social media use in local educational authorities in Taiwan: a better dialogue or control? 2021 International Conference on Intercultural Competence and Global Education (ICICGE): New Perspective, Implementation, & Evaluation. Taipei, Taiwan, https://icgenpie.weebly.com/ |
2021 |
Chen, H.-C. (2021, September 13-16). System leadership in the local context of Taiwan: A professional practice or governmental technology? [SIG: Educational Research and Educational Policy-Making]. BERA Annual Conference 2021–British Educational Research Association, Liverpool, UK, https://www.bera.ac.uk/conference/bera-conference-2021 |
2020 |
陳宏彰(2020,11月)。從治理理論析論英國系統領導人的治理環境、角色與實踐。論文發表於國立臺北教育大學舉辦之「2020東亞地區校長學學術研討會-校長領導的創新圖像」研討會論文集(頁143-160),臺北市。 |
2020 |
陳宏彰(2020,11月)。校園中的政策施展:脈絡、主體、論述與行動者。論文發表於國立臺北教育大學課程與教學傳播科技研究所舉辦之「2020未來教育的哲學省思研討會暨臺灣教育哲學學會第四屆年會」,臺北市。 |
2020 |
陳宏彰(2020,10月)。英國系統領導與治理機制:階層、市場和網絡。論文發表於臺灣地方教育發展學會及國立臺灣師範大學聯合舉辦之「教育治理國際學術研討會-教育治理的挑戰與創新」,臺北市。 |
2020 |
Chen, H.-C. (2020, September 8-10). System Leadership in the Local Context of Taiwan: A professional practice or governmental technology? [SIG: Educational Research and Educational Policy-Making]. BERA Annual Conference 2020–British Educational Research Association, Liverpool, UK, https://www.bera.ac.uk/conference/bera-conference-2020 (Conference canceled due to COVID-19) |
2020 |
Chen, H.-C. (2020, August 25-28). System leadership in Taiwan: The case of consultant supervisors [EERA Network: 26. Educational leadership]. ECER 2020–European Educational Research Association, Glasgow, UK, https://eera-ecer.de/ecer-2020-glasgow/ (Conference canceled due to COVID-19) |
2020 |
Chen, H.-C. (2020, May 27-29). The effects of a national policy on scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) in Taiwan [General Research Session]. 7th Conference of Higher Education Research Association, 2020 (HERA 2020), Seoul, South Korea, http://hera-research.org/hera-2020-conference/ (Conference canceled due to COVID-19) |
2019 |
陳宏彰(2019,11月)。系統領導的本土實踐:地方教育行政機關聘任督學制度之研究。論文發表於國立臺北教育大學舉辦之「2019東亞地區校長學學術研討會-校長領導的創新圖像」研討會論文集(頁265-285),臺北市。 |
2019 |
Chen, H.-C. (2nd May, 2019). Governmentality? A critical analysis of aspiring headteachers’ administrative placement in the local education department in Taiwan. Paper presented at the meeting of International Conference on Education 2019, Taipei, Taiwan. |
2019 |
Chen, H.-C. (2nd May, 2019). Governmentality? A critical analysis of aspiring headteachers’ administrative placement in the local education department in Taiwan. Paper presented at the meeting of International Conference on Education 2019, Taipei, Taiwan. |
2018 |
陳宏彰(2018,12月)。英國系統領導培育與專業發展及其對台灣之啟示。論文發表於國立臺北教育大學舉辦之「2018東亞地區校長學學術研討會-校長知能素養與專業實踐」研討會,臺北市。 |
2018 |
陳宏彰(2018,10月)。領導培訓作為政府治理的技術:臺灣候用校長教育局處行政實習之批判分析。論文發表於臺北市立大學舉辦之「2018校長i學習-校長培育與專業發展」國際學術研討會,臺北市。 |
2018 |
Chen, H.-C. (2018, January). Local Education Governance in England. Paper presented at the meeting of the Taiwan-Japan Seminar on Educational Research, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan. |
2015 |
Chen, H.-C. (2015, September). Leadership Preparation as Governmentality? Exploring the Effect of Disciplinary Technologies of Headteachers' Administrative Placement in Taiwan. Paper presented at the Conference of ECER 2015, Budapest, Hungary. |
2015 |
Chen, H.-C. (2015, June). Bringing Foucault to the study of headship preparation. Paper presented at the Lifelong and Comparative Education Research Students’ Seminar Group, UCL IOE. London, UK. |
2014 |
陳宏彰、陳雅筑(2014年10月)。英國地方教育治理的衝擊:中央與地方權力的重分配。論文發表於臺灣地方教育發展學會及國立臺灣師範大學聯合舉辦之「2014縣市教育力與教育發展」學術研討會,臺北市。 |
2014 |
Chen, H.-C. (2014, September). Disciplining the headteacher: a critical analysis of a new school headteacher preparation programme in Taiwan. Paper Presented at the Conference of BERA, London, UK. |
2014 |
Chen, H.-C., and Chen, Y.-C. (2014, September). The complexity of research utilisation in the education policy arena: a case study of the Ministry of Education in Taiwan. Paper Presented at the Conference of BERA 2014, London, UK. |
2014 |
Chen, H.-C., and Chen, Y.-C. (2014, September). The complexity of research utilisation in the education policy arena: a case study of the Ministry of Education in Taiwan. Paper Presented at the Conference of BERA 2014, London, UK. |
2014 |
Chen, H.-C. (2014, September). Aspiring Headteacher Socialisation in the Panopticon: the Foucauldian gaze. Paper Presented at the Conference of ECER 2014, Porto, Portugal. |
2013 |
Chen, H.-C. and Chen, M.-J. (2013, September). How Do the Local Authorities Prepare Their Headteachers in Taiwan? An Exploration Using Foucault’s Disciplinary Power. Paper Presented at the Conference of 2013 European Network for Research and Development in Educational Leadership and Management, Portoroz, Slovenia. |
2013 |
Chen, H.-C. (2013, July). Recontextualising the Global Trends - School Leadership Preparation in Taiwan. Paper Presented at the British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society (BELMAS). Annual Conference, Edinburgh, UK. |
2013 |
Chen, H.-C. (2013, June). Developing or Disciplining the Headteacher? Headteachers' Administrative Placement in Local Education Authorities. Paper Presented at the Conference of Doctoral Summer School, at IOE, London, UK. |
2013 |
Chen, H.-C. (2013, June). Research matters? The Headteacher Preparation Policy and Practice in Taiwan after the Decentralisation Movement. Paper Presented at the Conference of Doctoral Summer School, at IOE, London, UK. |
2012 |
陳宏彰(2012,12月)。1997以降英國校長培育政策變革對我國校長培育之啟示。論文發表國家教育研究院主辦之「2012全球教育論壇:教育經營與學校效能」國際學術研討會,新北市。 |
2007 |
陳宏彰(2007,5月)。從英國校長專業資格檢定制度(NPQH)探究我國國中小學校長培育制度。載於教育部與國立台中教育大學舉辦之「2007年中小學校長專業發展國際學術研討會」論文集(頁300-326),臺中市。 |
2005 |
陳木金、邱馨儀、陳宏彰(2005,11月)。從教師專業發展模組談教師進修研習系統建構。載於輔仁大學舉辦「教師專業發展與規劃學術研討會」論文集(頁7-18),臺北市。 |