2021 |
林宗弘、張宜君、李俊穎,2021,〈銀髮大分流:臺灣中高齡民眾的退休選擇與所得差異〉。《台灣社會變遷三十五年:台灣社會變遷基本調查第三十六次研討會》。臺北市:中央研究院社會學研究所。 |
2020 |
Chang, Yi-Chun, Thung-Hong Lin, Chun-Yin Lee. 2020 "Revisit Income Gap between Classes and Cohorts in Taiwan: The Comparison among Social Chang Survey, Family Income Survey, and Human Resources Survey, 1994-2019." Paper presented at the 35th Conference on the Taiwan Social Change Survey, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. Dec. 4. (in Chinese) |
2020 |
Li, Jui-Chung Allen, and Yi-Chun Chang*. 2020. "Free Rider in the Classroom: Exploring the Sense of Justice about Grades in Group Projects." Paper presented at the Annual Conference of American Sociological Association, San Francisco, USA. Aug 8-11. (online)(*Corresponding Author) |
2020 |
Chang, Yi-Chun. 2020. "The Effects of Entry and Degree Attainment in STEM Major on Earnings among College Graduates." Paper will be presented at the Annual Meeting of Population Association of American. Washington DC, USA. Apr.23-25. |
2019 |
Li, Jui-Chung Allen, and Yi-Chun Chang*. 2019. "Free Rider in the Classroom: Exploring the Sense of Justice about Grades in Group Projects." presented at the Annual Conference of Taiwanese Sociological Association, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. Nov. 31-Dec. 1. (*Corresponding Author) |
2019 |
Chang, Chin-fen and Yi-Chun Chang. 2019. " Educational Homogamy and Income Differences among Households: Comparing Korea, Japan and Taiwan in 2006 and 2016. " Paper presented at the 2019 International Conference of ISA Research Committee 06 (RC-06) on "The Family in Modern and Global Societies: Persistence and Change". Vietnam Sociological Association, Hanoi, Vietnam, October 18-19 |
2019 |
Chang, Yi-Chun. 2019. " The Effects of Sibship Structure on the Decision of STEM Curriculum Track in Senior High School " will be presented at the Annual Meeting of Population Association of American. Austin, TX, USA. Apr.10-13. |
2018 |
Li, Jui-Chung Allen, Yi-Chun Chang*, & Jing-Yu Tsao. 2018 " Family Background and Curricular Tracking among Taiwanese High School Students " Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Taiwanese Sociological Association. Chiao Tung University, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan. Dec.1-2. (*Corresponding Author) |
2017 |
The Effects of Career Trajectory on Retirement Decision., the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Chicago, IL, USA, , 2017-04-27-2017-04-29 |
2016 |
Imaginative Standard Lives: Cohort Difference in Wage Trajectory., the Annual Conference of Taiwanese Sociological Association, Dong Hwa University, Huilien, Taiwan, , 2016-11-26-2016-11-27 |
2016 |
Cohort Inequality in Income Distribution in Taiwan, the 27th Conference on the Taiwan Social Change Survey, Taipei, Taiwan, , 2016-11-03-2016-11-04 |
2016 |
Cohort Differences in Return to Higher Education in Taiwan, 1978-2012: The Role of Labor Market Transformation., the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Washington DC, USA, , 2016-03-31-2016-04-02 |
2015 |
Job Opportunities and Industrial Transformation in Taiwan, 1978-2012, the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, San Diego, CA, USA, , 2015-04-30-2015-05-02 |